
Friday, January 13, 2012

Fed Says Economy Slowly Expanding, but Housing Market Still Dead

The U.S. economic recovery marches on, the latest Fed Beige Book shows. Covering the month of December, all twelve Fed districts noted some level of expansion in activity.

However, still, The Fed report says that commercial and residential real estate remains weak.

Wednesday’s Beige Book clearly highlighted continued fragility in real estate markets, indicating that “Activity stayed sluggish in residential real estate markets, and conditions in commercial real estate markets remained somewhat soft overall.”

Housing remains in the gutter, as the latest Case-Shiller Home Price Indices suggest. Prices have barely moved off their crisis lows despite unprecedented support from the Federal Reserve.

As Foreclosure properties flood into the local housing market, the Home Prices are likely to go down in the Bronx or Brooklyn, NYC in the near future.

In these circumstances, it would be very hard to sell a house.

However, there is always a way to Sell Your House Fast for CASH. For more info, please visit our main website at


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